Witness this August 7 Episode of Be Careful With My Heart. You will not be disappointed when you're watching this every story especially for the up and coming episodes of BCWMH. Is this weekend will be in the reservation dinning on a restaurant? What do you think about this episode? Is it time to walkout?
If you are asking that question mirroring it to me, I have a lot of possibilities on how am I going to answer that because in this episode, what you are going to witness is that - Maya knows well about the dignity she has in herself that she should bring it back from where it starts. The brave Maya on how to face whatever situation it is, she should face it naturally that all is well for her. She must respect herself for what must be and how should it be done. Believe in yourself Maya and don't let anyone look down on you and don't give it to Sir Chief after all. You must do what your heart dictates you. When in doubt, folow your heart Maya. That's a big factor for you to hold on everything you got especially for Sir Chief. Show them what you are and don't be afraid to any one to speak out your side. Okay, Maya?
In this episode, you will like to judge on what to choose - Walk out or just add some more chairs. What do you think about this choices? The wait for this episode is worth for the followers of BCWMH like me. I hope there's some more hard to predict on what's next for the episode. It's hard to believe but now I believe how Maya loves Sir Chief so much and vice versa. The good thins is, Maya and Sir Chief keep on holding till the end about how much they care each other and how much they love them mutually with out so much feeling of affections they show to us. They are simple lovers but great lovers as well that not everyone is used to have that kind of unexplainable feelings for each other. This episode of Be Careful With My Heart continues to gain more followers and BCWMH fanatics including my self. Kapit Bisig tayo sa BE CAREFUL WITH MY HEART!
Watch the preview video of Be Careful With My Heart August 7, 2013 Episode. Replay highlights to follow soon.
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