Be Careful With My Heart August 29 2013 Video Replay Highlights

Watch Be Careful With My Heart August 29 2013 video replay. One kiss heals heartaches but not broken hearts? Heart that is broken takes time to heal that need to lay pieces into pieces in order to be formed a more fragile heart. In this Be Careful With My Heart Tuesday August 28 2013 episode, temporary heartaches like being jealous or angry to someone with just single kiss, all of a sudden, it takes away painful emotions towards that person. It happened to Maya when she has witness that Sir Chief has this with a girl without knowing and asking him what the scenario is all about. BCWMH fans also may or not disappointed, why Emman tell Maya the truth - Sir Chief is just talking to a girl (wedding management?) about the proposal for Maya.

The picture scene about grab from a preview video for August 29 of BCWMH where Maya is angry to Sir Chief. Sir Chief confronted Maya after tasting a bad coffee taste from Maya and he knew it that Maya feels jealous to that girl. He kissed Maya on cheek. "Super Kilig" is the best medicine to be in love again and again. You should feel it. Its now or never for Sir Chief's proposal to Maya. Emman had told Maya about that and it was a shocking moment for Maya.

Anything can happen in BCWMH. Sir Cheif has to do his best to surprise Maya but the secret reveals because of Emman. He can't control to tell Maya about what's Sir Chief's secret. BCWMH fans becoming disappointed when Emman tells Maya about Sir Chief's proposal but they know it could be done. It's done. Proposal has to be made before it's too early or too late.

The secret is not the secret anymore. But the essence of this August 29 episode is that, everything is alright anymore when sir Chief will propose to Maya in a very notable and visible way of doing it. Super Kilig in this scene especially the cuteness of Maya's jealousy to Sir Chief. BCWMH fans can't wait to see Sir Chief having a proposal to Maya. Will you?

You may now watch the video replay of Be Careful With My Heart for today, August 29.

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Be Careful With My Heart Video Highlights 08/29/2013

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