Be Careful With My Heart September 4 2013 (WEDNESDAY) | WILL YOU MARRY ME?

Will you marry me? This will be the sweetest words that you can hear in this Be Careful With My Heart September 4, 2013. This is now the time - the time to be engaged to someone he love. Maya says with a big yes. With a lot of yes. It feels great to watch each of episode in BCWMH and it's really overwhelming to know that for the first time Sir Chief reveals the engagement ring to Maya. It's a great time to watch this story that nearly ends.

Fans hoping that this engagement episode will be just a season ender and maybe will come back for next year. There are so many ways to tell more story about this episode. Until now, some fans can't get over for this very great series in Philippine TV. We're so happy that this show reached its peak and reaching those millions of Filipinos watching worldwide. Fans really love this show no matter what the conceptualization that the writers got - we salute you. This show really make a lot of Filipino happy watching every episode. What's perfect for this episode? It's just like a roller coaster emotions within the characters of Sir Chief and Maya.

Maya's kiss is so sweet when you look at the preview video of Be Careful With My Heart (September 4). The level up relationship for both is moving on to be engaged its other for the upcoming wedding day in the future. When you loot at the proposal, it's very simple and sweet but full of love kilig overload between Sir Chief and Maya. One of that fans cried and was speechless every time she watch the BCWMH episode.

In this video, Sir Chief and Maya are already engaged and it's official to know this engagement. Congratulations to Sir Chief and Maya for making every Filipino proud of you. This is a very beautiful story that starts from a simple admiration to a full house of love between Maya and Sir Chief that touches so many lives who have had watched the story. Nothing is comparable for this show that every fans keep on watching and are addicted to this beloved Be Careful With My Heart amazing teleserye.

Fans cant wait to watch for tomorrow's every scene. It's a whole different story that would convince to our hearts. Watch how Maya answers the "Will you marry me?"'s question from Sir Chief. The awesomeness and kiligness factor are still evolving until now for BCWMH. The most important part is that we learned how to value life and someone so special. There's nothing better than love but the love itself. This will going to prove that in love, conquers fear and revealing the truth that would set free to everyone. A great show indeed. More power and conviction to this episode!

You may now watch the video replay of Be Careful With My Heart for today, September 4.

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Be Careful With My Heart Video Preview 09/4/2013:

Every BCWMH fans should watch the Be Careful With My Heart September 4 2013 Video Replay Highlights which will be published soon. This is it - the incoming wedding ceremony for Sir Chief and Maya - the world will going to be "KILIG". Let's wait for the wedding day of Sir Chief and Maya which inevitably coming soon.

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