Be Careful With My Heart August 30 2013 (Friday) | The Proposal

A great proposal is the of the best words ever heard when it comes to intimate love and relationship. This will happen to Be Careful With My Heart Episode - August 30 2013 (Friday). Sir Chief's proposal to Maya is inevitable for the fans who would like to see how it's being delivered. BCWMH fans would suggest the proposal words that would comes out to Sir Chief's mind like these,

Every time I see a rainbow shining in the sky above. When there's a rainbow the clouds that frown go smiling by. It's a promise written there of our Father's love & care when there's a rainbow in the sky. It will be an amazing & unending voyage of joy.

It's a great time to watch BCWMH episode and it's more fun too. The package is already there, all you have to do is, to sit back, relax, and enjoy the unpredictable episode of Be Careful starred by Jodi and Richard. No more worries about the proposal. There's no such thing as proposal when two lovers got married. It's not just for a specific lovers but it's for everyone. In the video, I think that's the last time Sir Chief ask permission and the last time to get approval to his late wife. Sir Chief said, "Nothing can compare to what we have but me and Maya have something." What's that something? It may be a shallow word to everyone but I think Sir Chief can't reveal the truth on what he really feel because he is overwhelmed.

I think Sir Chief must move on to the proposal. It's not about the twisting of the story because it does make sense I guess. Sir Chief is not kind of a guys who is in hurry, he make sure that everything is gonna be okay before deciding one of the biggest decision of his life.

We don't know the writer's mind, so, we start guessing what will happen. We know how Be Careful With My Heart is unpredictable in sense that it has more tricks when it comes to excitement to surprise the fans in every scene and I'm sure they will do it again in the incoming Sir Chief's proposal.

You may now watch the video replay of Be Careful With My Heart for today, August 30.

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Be Careful With My Heart Video Highlights 08/30/2013

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