Deped Lis means Department of Education Learning Information System with EBEIS ( Enhanced Basic Education Information System).


New Contact Numbers

For queries, issues, and concerns with the LIS and EBEIS, please contact us at the following numbers:
  • Landline: (02) 6364878, (02) 6332658
  • Mobile: 09394361390, 09166661494, 09231804927
  • Email:
  • Address: Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
  • Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 07:00 AM to 06:00 PM (Closed during weekends and national holidays)

LIS (Early Registration)

The LIS module for Early Registration of Kinder, Grade 7, and Grade 11 learners (DO 6, s. 2017) is now open.
  1. Log in using your School Head/Admin account. (Advisers CANNOT use the Early Registration module.)
  2. Upon accessing the LIS, you will be presented with the Early Registration page.
  3. hen you are ready to enter your Early Registration Data, enter the number of male and female learners; otherwise, click other modules to continue using the LIS.
    1. Elementary school profiles will allow you to enter data for Kinder and Grade 1.
    2. Secondary school profiles will allow you to enter data for Grade 7.
    3. If your secondary school has SHS, you will have to enter data according to track; the total number of learners will adjust based on data entered.
  4. When ready to submit your Early Registration data, click Submit.
  1. Note that you can still use other LIS facilities and input your Early Registration data later.
  2. You can still edit your Early Registration data as long as the facility is open.
  3. The facility opens on 28 January 2018 and closes on 23 February 2018.
  4. Any number entered on this facility after it closes shall be considered as the school's official count for Early Registration.

LIS (K-12)

The following facilities are now available:
  • Encoding and updating of learners
  • Correction of learner profiles (basic and other data, K-10 only)
  • Assignment of class shifts
  • Tagging of learner records (ADM, SPED, NLS, BMI)
Soon to be deployed:
  • Resolution of transfer disputes
  • Correction of learner profiles (SHS)
  • Correction of grade level (K-12, promote or demote)
A quick guide to LIS updating is available here.

LIS (School Forms)

Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 58, s. 2017 (Adoption of New School Forms for Kindergarten, Senior High School, Alternative Learning System, Health and Nutrition and Standardization of Permanent Records), electronic copies of the following school forms are now available:

You may also download these forms at the Downloads section of the LIS Support Page.


It has come to our attention that so-called “electronic school forms” are being sold to public schools.
Please be reminded that DepEd has authorized NEITHER the usage of such “forms” NORtheir sale to our schools.
School forms generated using this “solution” are considered NULL AND VOID, and will NOT be considered for official transactions.
Official School Forms can be downloaded for FREE and are EXCLUSIVELY available for schools at the Learner Information System (LIS).
Report any incident of unauthorized use and sale of School Forms to the LIS/EBEIS Helpdesk, the Planning Service, and the Office of the Undersecretary for Planning and Field Operations.
* Requires an LIS/EBEIS user account. Contact your School Head and/or Division Planning Officer.
** As per DepEd Order No. 58, s. 2017 (
Section VII: Special Provision) released on 27 November 2017.

For more inquires and information just visit their main page at:

It is more about what is deped lis means, what's new in deped lis, deped lis download page, and website for deped lis.

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