Of all the entire episode of Be Careful With My Heart, you haven't seen Sir Chief kissed Maya in a very romantic way. This time for August 20 of Tuesday, you'll going to see how Sir Chief Kisses Maya so romantically that you can't get out of it - the "kiligest" factor. From the moment Sir Chief is holding Maya's pretty face, you've seen the essence of love romance of living life to the fullest for fans who are watching BCWMH story.
Even if you're watching only the preview episode, you'll keep on watching it over and over again. True BCWMH fans were watching the less than a minute August 20 preview a number of times. BCWMH story has branded some of the alcoholic drink commercial theme if you can remember this line, "The longer the time, the better taste it may have..." or we will having it in Filipino, the original line was "Habang tumatagal, lalong sumasarap..." This is what the Be Careful With My Heart imparted in every scene that may have. They continue waving the flagship of "Kiligness" to all the fans and soon to be fans of this comedy-romantic story starred by Jodi and Richard whom were best known as Maya and Sir Chief, respectively. They are the most Filipino characters who has their best signatures we saw in Be Careful With My Heart only.
This will be your first time to watch the episode that Sir Chief kissing Maya like that. The kiss that Sir Chief gives Maya marks the very important message to Maya. It's just like, "You're my everything,.." as Sir Chief is holding Maya's face. "I love you so much no matter what happens,..." while Sir Chief slowly going near to Maya's face and somewhat the world will collide. Boom! The most romantic kissing scene that you will see of all the entire episode. Don't you think it's not a big deal? Fans would likely be true to their self wishing that Be Careful With My Heart is a true story not only made as drama. The most memorable days between the two people who are madly and crazily inlove with each other in a very little time but for them - it's a great time.
BCWMH has proven that believing things can't be seen that exist. It's all about faith. Faith that is learned first in the family as the basic unit of society. Loving someone is faith. You don't need to own somebody in order to prove that you are worthy to be loved. Love is owning the heart of someone with faith no matter how what will happen in the future - for better or for worst. But worst will come not to stay but it will come to pass and best things will replace that after all. This is exactly what BCWMH means if you could understand the concept of the story. That's why, this kind of episode and story exist from the very past not on television but in the books with some great authors. Remember Harry Potter? Before it came as a movie, it was already written in the book while readers really understand the concepts and that deciding to release the story as a movie. I know, true fans of BCWMH not only excited to watch the BCWMH but truly understand the whole story by just seeing the less than 1 minute preview, then they will be able to express what they learned about the concept of Be Careful With My Heart in that episode.
Every words from Be Careful With My Heart were greatly observe and hear without wasting time. Because that words came from the characters like Maya and Sir Chief were properly arranged and getting so well on how they express their love for each other. Kudos to Maya and Sir Chief, you made us proud and happy. We hope that both of you are happy not only in the taping but also in the real world. Both of you have great family who are very supportive - without them, this BCWMH can never be great. So, thank you for reading this Be Careful With MY Heart August 20 review and video replay highlights will be made available soon.
You may now watch the video replay of Be Careful With My Heart for today, August 19.
Even if you're watching only the preview episode, you'll keep on watching it over and over again. True BCWMH fans were watching the less than a minute August 20 preview a number of times. BCWMH story has branded some of the alcoholic drink commercial theme if you can remember this line, "The longer the time, the better taste it may have..." or we will having it in Filipino, the original line was "Habang tumatagal, lalong sumasarap..." This is what the Be Careful With My Heart imparted in every scene that may have. They continue waving the flagship of "Kiligness" to all the fans and soon to be fans of this comedy-romantic story starred by Jodi and Richard whom were best known as Maya and Sir Chief, respectively. They are the most Filipino characters who has their best signatures we saw in Be Careful With My Heart only.
This will be your first time to watch the episode that Sir Chief kissing Maya like that. The kiss that Sir Chief gives Maya marks the very important message to Maya. It's just like, "You're my everything,.." as Sir Chief is holding Maya's face. "I love you so much no matter what happens,..." while Sir Chief slowly going near to Maya's face and somewhat the world will collide. Boom! The most romantic kissing scene that you will see of all the entire episode. Don't you think it's not a big deal? Fans would likely be true to their self wishing that Be Careful With My Heart is a true story not only made as drama. The most memorable days between the two people who are madly and crazily inlove with each other in a very little time but for them - it's a great time.
BCWMH has proven that believing things can't be seen that exist. It's all about faith. Faith that is learned first in the family as the basic unit of society. Loving someone is faith. You don't need to own somebody in order to prove that you are worthy to be loved. Love is owning the heart of someone with faith no matter how what will happen in the future - for better or for worst. But worst will come not to stay but it will come to pass and best things will replace that after all. This is exactly what BCWMH means if you could understand the concept of the story. That's why, this kind of episode and story exist from the very past not on television but in the books with some great authors. Remember Harry Potter? Before it came as a movie, it was already written in the book while readers really understand the concepts and that deciding to release the story as a movie. I know, true fans of BCWMH not only excited to watch the BCWMH but truly understand the whole story by just seeing the less than 1 minute preview, then they will be able to express what they learned about the concept of Be Careful With My Heart in that episode.
Every words from Be Careful With My Heart were greatly observe and hear without wasting time. Because that words came from the characters like Maya and Sir Chief were properly arranged and getting so well on how they express their love for each other. Kudos to Maya and Sir Chief, you made us proud and happy. We hope that both of you are happy not only in the taping but also in the real world. Both of you have great family who are very supportive - without them, this BCWMH can never be great. So, thank you for reading this Be Careful With MY Heart August 20 review and video replay highlights will be made available soon.
You may now watch the video replay of Be Careful With My Heart for today, August 19.
Note:( This video is a free embeddable video hosted on Youtube. It was not uploaded by PinoyThinking site, to report it please visit the source where it is hosted. Thanks! )
Be Careful With My Heart Video Highlights August 20, 2013.
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