Be Careful With My Heart - August 19 2013 | All Happiness

Sometimes the true happiness is not about success but it lies within the smile of every person. This absolutely what happens in Be Careful With My Heart August 19, 2013 preview on Monday. All is well. All is very happy and great moments are display in this episode. Can't stop appreciating this happy scene behind every smile from Maya to Sir Chief to Don Roberto. It's all about the celebration of happiness. Awesome story for BCWMH!

Be Careful With My Heart - August 19 2013

Embracing a father and son is what we can see the highlights of the story. It makes us feel comfortable seeing Sir Chief hugging his father Don Roberto. Great respect and love from his son out of the ordinary day when doing this. Not every son is doing the hugging trip to the father and not ever father give hug to a son. When someone do this, pride isn't there. So love your father no matter what. Your blood that flowed out from your veins was came from your very own dad. Sir Chief is now doing that to Don Roberto - in a much comfortable way.

Also in this episode, you may see how Sir Chief give proposal to his one and only. But proposal doesn't mean, it's wedding time. We can propose a lot of ways - in business, in finances, in family, in relationship, in self growth, and many ways where there is proposal. But I think this proposal is much different from others. It's all about heart and the courage on how Sir Chief propose this kind of special moments as we will going to see in every part of episode. One thins we know that Sir Chief is not an opportunist because he do it in the right time and right place. Some of us, do it in the right time but in a wrong place or in a right place but in a wrong time. Am I right?

You may now watch the video replay of Be Careful With My Heart for today, August 19.

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Be Careful With My Heart is now having full into gratification to all BCWMH supporters and fans worldwide. It only having an entertainment to entertain us but to give us lesson that we have to be happy for whatever reason. Happiness has no reason. You're happy because you have to be happy. That has no reason and no references inorder to be happy. That's what living is. Live being happy with all you're life and you're not regretting it until you're dome.

Some fans believe that BCWMH will near to end but we don't have to be worry. Put worries on baskets, Be Careful With My Heart is now about to end but will continue to give us lessons in life as the scene goes on. It will give us "kilig" moments beyond every scene. Fans hope that, in this August 19 episode, no one getting hurt and happiness is truly there - not for temporary but a permanent moment. The moment we see in every smile among the characters of Be Careful With My Heart. How excited is your day to watch this episode?

Be Careful With My Heart Video Highlights August 19, 2013.

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