Base in a Survey more Pinay choosing careers than having Family

The annual community development rate in the Philippines had slowed down from 2.34 per hundred between the years 1990 and 2000 to a rate of 1.9 per hundred between the years 2000 and 2010, according to the 2010 Census of community and lodgings under the nationwide Economic and Development administration
The Philippines has one of the most number of persons living in one homeland, ranking 12th in the world.
The number now stands at 92.34 million Filipinos.
If the growth rate resides as is, by the year 2025, there would be 120 million Filipinos.

With this numerous persons on the identical land locality, it stretches the fantasy how difficulties such as lack of lodgings, traffic density, high cost rudimentary goods, need of occupations, the crime rate, and other ones would be measured and addressed.

Some find it alarming that within 10 years, from year 2000 to 2010, the Philippine population increased by 15.8 million people.

But today, it seems the women are making a more acquainted alternative.

From a separate study, analysis of the new facts and figures show that more women than men now graduate college.

Women have occupations more than the men do.

These women, educated and employed, opt more to defer having young kids.

In 2006, the Pinay fertility rate was 3.3 young kids and in 2011, the fertility rate went down to 3.1.

There are still 3 offspring being born every minute in this homeland, but hopes are up that the downtrend extends with the implementation of the Reproductive Health regulation.

For now, the Reproductive wellbeing regulation is held from implementation as certain contested provisions are up for oral arguments before the Supreme Court arranged for July 9.

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