Typhoon Hagupit "Ruby" LIVE UPDATE STREAMING

LIVE UPDATE: Typhoon Hagupit locally known as "Bagyong Ruby" hits the Philippines this weekend at approximately on 10 PM of the evening - Saturday, December 6, 2014. This post will bring the latest updates to keep Filipinos informed about the calamity. Captured live updates and streaming about the super typhoon Ruby internationally known as Hagupit will be updated through here. Check below for live updates.

This post is under bagyong ruby live update, typhoon ruby live streaming, super typhoon hagupit live update, super typhoon ruby live streaming blog, typoon ruby latest update blog by blog review, super typhoon hagupit known as ruby in the Philippines local and latest updates including live streaming on blog about typhoon - December 7, 2014. Anyaptured updates live for bagyong ruby will be posted here.

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