Be Careful With My Heart September 9 2013 | PAMANHIKAN

Focus is the main weapon to get things done in Be Careful With My Heart September 9 2013 episode that would be on Monday. The time that not only Sir Chief and Maya but the whole family gathered together for the most wondrous event - PAMANHIKAN! Tomorrow it's a great day for Be Careful With My Heart as well as to all the fans who kept eying in this very first episode next week. How excited are you to see the video?

In this episode, full of joy and happiness always stay in BCWMH and everything is up for the event that we'll going to witness. It's not about the unpredictable happenings in the future but it's about how they captured the heart of individuals who always follow to watch in it's very episode. There's rumor that "Mamang" has something bad will happen. But we'll wait if this is true. Can you guess what truly happens in your prediction?

This story until the end is superbly cute. Why would bad things happen to "Mamang" as of this moment? The writers have somthing special plan for it on why they let it to happen. There's a little trivia in here, Sir Chief from CEO to Lasinggo? It's just only joke, when one person drinks wine in an occasion, it is because probably that person achieves success he longs for a long time or even a short period of time. If not, that person is desperate enough to get drunk. Whom do you choose? The latter or the former?

In this scene, Sir Chief gets little drunk. He uses the drunken technique to show his cuteness not just for Maya but to everyone around him. But he does not displays violence instead, he's so kulit to his sweetheart Maya. What a great part of this scene as great as it is. This Monday, what you would only see of BCWMH episode are - super kilig, super funny, super cute, super drunk, super duper sweetness, and all the supers that you'll going to witness with your super power eyes. Majority of fans can't wait to watch the video and replay of Be Careful With My Heart 09/09/2013 episode.

You may watch the replay of BCWMH September 9 2013 (Monday).

You may watch the Be Careful With My Heart Video Preview 09.09.2013.

Please don't miss the episode to watch for Careful With My Heart September 9 2013 Video Replay and highlights soon. Advise to all the BCWMH fans and viewers, keep on watching until the end of time! But Time will never end as history does. What do you think what's the best ending part of BCWMH episode? Have a great day ahead on watching the Be Careful With My Heart! Until next time!

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