Be Careful With My Heart - August 2, 2013 | Trying Hard

This Friday (August 2, 2013) of Be Careful With My Heart - I was stunned by the writers even in the last episode that Sir Chief and Maya argued each other but still they talk to each other in a nice way with soft voices that comes in their hearts no matter what the situation is - good or bad.

Watch Be Careful With My Heart August 2, 2013 Episode Replay:

In this episode, this states that "It gives you strength when you are deeply in love with someone, and it gives you courage while loving someone so special.". Eventhough, Maya tell about Sir Chief the hard feelings he has but still Sir Chief is so cool in this Be Careful With My Heart August 2 episode. But there's a problem if this argument continues that may lead to deep arguments and uncertainties in their relationship. But I know Sir Chief is matured enough to handle this kind of situation, Am I right?

Be Careful With My Heart

They were not making their voice louder as they were controlling their temper while in a serious argument. And let see how it goes, if Sir Chief can handle this kind of scenario. It's just simple but its really hard to do in life. That is what love gave Sir Chief to Maya. That's the essence of Be Careful With My Heart. I think their love is unconditional and without strings to it. No riches involved for this kind of love. In this video, this involve with his children, Mamang, Nanay Teresita, Kute Cho. The both should fight what they believe in because there were people behind that cares for both of them - their family. Maya should choose to be strong even if it hurts so much.

For Don Roberto, he should be open minded for some time because not all the people you can judge them right especially to those person you met for the first time. First impression is not applicable to all scenario as well. Because, may would believe that your son is at his best with Maya and also to your grandchildren too. It's not about money that Maya love your son, its about how much they love each other and its priceless. The end does not really justify the means. Don't worry Maya, Sir Chief is always there, and just be strong. Even this episode is not perfect of flaws and no one is perfect but just near to perfect but still this Be Careful With My Heart Episode inspires many Filipino people all around the world not just fulfilling the gap of past times but also applicable to real life situation especially to those adult who's love for someone as new beginnings.

Even if how trying hard is Maya but its not for the sake of everyone but for the sake of her Love Sir Chief. Let's see what's the reaction from the fans of Be Careful of My Heart this August 2 episode. Video Replay and highlights will come to availble soon.

Related Searches: Be Careful With My Heart August 2, 2013. Friday be careful with my heart 8/2/2013. The 8.2.2013 Be Careful with my heart watch episode full video replay and highlights. Be Careful with My Heart sir chief and Maya August 2 episode. BCWMH August 2 episode 2013.

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