Be Careful With My Heart - August 2, 2013 | Trying Hard
This Friday (August 2, 2013) of Be Careful With My Heart - I was stunned by the writers even in the last episode that Sir Chief and Maya argued each other but still they talk to each other in a nice way with soft voices that comes in their hearts no matter what the situation is - good or bad.
Watch Be Careful With My Heart August 2, 2013 Episode Replay:
In this episode, this states that "It gives you strength when you are deeply in love with someone, and it gives you courage while loving someone so special.". Eventhough, Maya tell about Sir Chief the hard feelings he has but still Sir Chief is so cool in this Be Careful With My Heart August 2 episode. But there's a problem if this argument continues that may lead to deep arguments and uncertainties in their relationship. But I know Sir Chief is matured enough to handle this kind of situation, Am I right?
Be Careful With My Heart
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The title of this article might mislead some of the people if there is an upcoming matchup between these two boxers! All the dies hard fan...
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