The very exciting episode of Be Careful With My Heart for tomorrows's August 15, 2013 episode this Wednesday. In this episode, the excitement brings more fun and for you to learn about. Maya would surely be different for tomorrow's episode and I'm sure with that. I guess fans can't wait to watch how Maya's snobbish tomorrow for the first time.
I understand how the upcoming episodes of BCWMH are becoming more and more "kilig" moments. Many fans would agree that this will be another moment in which fans can't help their emotions to feel what Maya and Sir Chiefs. Maya will be coming to Sir Chief's birthday no matter what happens and no matter what the situation is - absolutely she will come. Maya should choose a decision in line to the supporters and fans lurking in every bit of her move.
Sir Chief will added some extra sweetness for Maya in this episode and hoping for their reconciliation between the two. Shocking, that Maya learns how to snob for this episode. That's great for Maya for being ain't monotone in every scenario she have had met. But for Chief, that's not a big deal for snobbish Maya when he sees that, for he know what's truly Maya is looking for - comfort and love from Sir Chief. Sir Chief already learned how to handle in every situation he is facing but is this can be applied to Maya's snobbery mode? What do you think?
One thing for tomorrow, we will see the Maya who is "suplada". But eventually, the supladiness will subside that only Sir Chief can do it. This gonna be another great episode of Be Careful With My Heart Series. Let's see for this coming episode on what's will be the reaction of Sir Chief during Maya's new mode - snobbish. Go Maya!
Video Replay of Be Careful With My Heart August 15, 2013.
You may watch the preview video for tomorrow's August 15.
I understand how the upcoming episodes of BCWMH are becoming more and more "kilig" moments. Many fans would agree that this will be another moment in which fans can't help their emotions to feel what Maya and Sir Chiefs. Maya will be coming to Sir Chief's birthday no matter what happens and no matter what the situation is - absolutely she will come. Maya should choose a decision in line to the supporters and fans lurking in every bit of her move.
Sir Chief will added some extra sweetness for Maya in this episode and hoping for their reconciliation between the two. Shocking, that Maya learns how to snob for this episode. That's great for Maya for being ain't monotone in every scenario she have had met. But for Chief, that's not a big deal for snobbish Maya when he sees that, for he know what's truly Maya is looking for - comfort and love from Sir Chief. Sir Chief already learned how to handle in every situation he is facing but is this can be applied to Maya's snobbery mode? What do you think?
One thing for tomorrow, we will see the Maya who is "suplada". But eventually, the supladiness will subside that only Sir Chief can do it. This gonna be another great episode of Be Careful With My Heart Series. Let's see for this coming episode on what's will be the reaction of Sir Chief during Maya's new mode - snobbish. Go Maya!
Video Replay of Be Careful With My Heart August 15, 2013.
Note:( This video is a free embeddable video hosted on Youtube. It was not uploaded by PinoyThinking site, to report it please visit the source where it is hosted. Thanks! )
You may watch the preview video for tomorrow's August 15.
Be Careful With My Heart Video Highlights 08/15/2013
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