August 2013 Holidays in the Philippines Full List

This might be a late post but not extremely late post for the full list of 2013 Philippine Holidays for this year and for August 2013 holidays schedule. Philippine Holidays are important to Filipino Citizens - from students to employees. For students, holidays are just like no school day bonus the same as Saturdays and Sundays that they are happy even a one day holiday spending their time not in school but in home, to their friends, logging in to social networking sites, playing favorite sports, and many more to do aside from school.

August 2013 holidays

For employees, they are also happy to have holidays since holiday on duty is not having a regular pay day because some of the companies credit it as double pay or by percentage while you are on duty during holiday and big payroll awaiting. Also, there are other employees think like a student, they are happy because they have time for another day-off, meaning, the day not to work but to spend time with anything other than working, with normal pay day even without going to the company because it's a holiday. That's the good part of having a holiday - but the essence of having a holiday is to celebrate and to acknowledge these holidays. Filipino people should know why there are holidays and how it feels celebrating and respecting those holidays in the Philippines.

For this month of August 2013 Holidays, Here are the list;
  • 9 August Friday Eidul Fitr
  • 21 August Wednesday Ninoy Aquino Day
  • 26 August Monday National Heroes Day

There are three public holidays for this month. We have Eidul Fitr, Ninoy Aquino Day, and the National Heroes day. See above date and day for these 3 holidays of this month of August 2013.

If you want to have a full list of Philippine Holidays for 2013, here are the holidays that you can see below;
  • 1 January Tuesday New Year's Day
  • 25 February Monday EDSA Revolution Anniversary (Special Holiday for All Schools)
  • 28 March Thursday Maundy Thursday
  • 29 March Friday Good Friday
  • 9 April Tuesday Day of Valor
  • 1 May Wednesday Labor Day
  • 12 June Wednesday Independence Day
  • 9 August Friday Eidul Fitr
  • 21 August Wednesday Ninoy Aquino Day
  • 26 August Monday National Heroes Day
  • 15 October Tuesday Eidul Adha
  • 1 November Friday All Saints Day
  • 2 November Saturday Special Non-Working Day
  • 30 November Saturday Bonifacio Day
  • 24 December Tuesday Special Non-Working Day
  • 25 December Wednesday Christmas Day
  • 30 December Monday Rizal Day
  • 31 December Tuesday Last Day of the Year

You can bookmarked or add this page to favorite in you browser so that If ever you won't remember the full list of 2013 Philippine Holidays, you will easily find it in just one click of your browser's bookmarked or favorite page. And If you feel that I missed something, you may do comment below and tell us what we need to add and we assure that we can respond immediately as we will. It's your turn, what's your favorite holiday from the above full lists?

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