forum is still down a week now review

I tried to access to website particularly in forum section for me to log-in while reading the old and new post/thread in the forum section of this website. Still, symbianize website is down. Last week of April 2013, I tried to visit their website but it can't be loaded to any browser like internet explorer, mozilla, and google chrome. So, I am thinking it before, maybe, due to slow internet connection. But again, I tried to access it but still it doesn't appear. Then I believe that the whole website of was totally down including its dedicated server not knowing exactly what's the cause of the website to shutdown temporarily. I can think of DDOS attack by the hackers, or upgrade of the system specifically on its server, or the administrator and owner of symbianize just fixing some minor changes and upgrades to the benefit of the users. I don't think so.

Why am I writing an article about this, is to let the netizens who were addicted to symbianize forum, know that they are not only the one who were lonely about the downside of symbianize and being frustrated on waiting the symbianize website back to normal. If you think you were the only one, you're wrong, we are thousands out there and hoping that symbianize will be back. I hope this is just temporary and everything for symbianize will be on its place.

For you to know about symbianize (those who don't know), I can give you a short review of website. is a Filipino-made website that is intended as a forum website. It contains a lot of categories or a package of the topics that a user wants like IT related information, software and hardware topics, entertainment and showbiz, sports, humors, general chat, cellphones and mobile phones, mobile OS, tech stuffs, computer and gadgets, free downloadable videos, gaming, and software, and even matured related topics, and many more. Overall, it is the new information that a user want to know more about. In general, a user who are addicted symbianize spend more time than facebook. There was once, someone who could comment that it's better that facebook will be gone forever but not the symbianize website.

I can see myself, that provides some useful and free information that other websites can't and even social netwoking sites such as facebook and twitter.

In symbianize facebook fanpage, this is what they stated,

This is eduard816, Moderator of, I received a message from Sir Marquess and I quote "Meron problem sa WebHost asahan na aasikasuhin ko ito as soon as possible."

Moderator of

So the problem is on the webhosting of the symbianize website. And I am sure that the admin or the owner or the team are now busy fixing the issue/problem they were addressing to. Many symbianize users including me are searching about this issue just like the words they type mostly on google search engine - " is down, downtime of symbianize, symbianize was hack?, do server maintenance on symbianize?, Why server down? Symbianize when server up? and many more words to say about this one.

We will just hope that will be up as early a possible and will be back to normal. If not, we will keep on waiting when will the symbianize website be back in its form. I'll update this article once their website will be available and have everything on its place.

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