Be Careful With My Heart May 14 2013 | Maya responds "I Love You"

Be Careful With My Heart May 14 2013. Sir Chief hugs Maya saying "I'm so proud of you.." while Maya responds "I Love You...". This made the entire BCWMH viewers worldwide on breathtaking as Maya's "I Love You" to Sir Chief. Also Maya is now already a flight stewardess by profession. She fulfills her dream, Congratulations Maya!

Be Careful With My Heart 05.14.2013

Watch the Be Careful With My Heart May 14 Episode:

A heartfelt conversation between Sir Chief and Maya while Kute is singing the hymn of love. This is very a special day for Maya, Sir Chief, and all the family of Be Careful With My Heart in this May 14, 2013 episode.

Scene 1: (Sir Chief and Maya hug each other...)
Sir Chief: "I'm so proud of you..."
Maya: "I love you..."

Scene 2: (Maya is asking Sir Chief...)
Maya: "Si Chief, young tungkol don sa sinabi ko kanina?"
Sir Chief: "..."

Scene 3: (Going home...)
Family: "SURPRISE...!!! Congratulations, Maya!"
Kute: "Mayron ba akong hindi alam?"
Maya: "Quiet na kasi kakanta na si mama,.."
Mama: (while start to sing, the video shutsdown) "ohh?"

Scene 4: (while Kute singing a song, Maya cries...)
Kute: "Wag kanang mag cry..."

Watch the preview, video trailer and highlights of May 14, 2013 on Be Careful With My Heart.

This Friday Be of Careful With My Heart on 5/14/2013 starred by Jodi Sta Maria as Maya, Richard Yap as Sir Chief, Aiza Seguerra, Jerome Ponce, Janella Salvador, Mutya Orquia, Marlo Mortel, Claire Ruiz and Tom Rodriguez. Scheduled daily only on Abs-CBN kapamilya network starts every morning at 11:45 AM, and on Saturdays at 10:30 AM for the replay of the episode.

I hope you enjoy the preview for this May 14 episode. This is a very short clip episode for 5.14.2013 with preview article of Be Careful With My Hear morning TV series. Please don't miss for tomorrow's May 14 2013 episode for Sir Chief and Maya's Be Careful With My Heart.

Related Searches: Be Careful With My Heart 5/14/2013 05.14.2013 May 14, 2013. Be Careful With My Heart Episode 2013 Sir Chief and Maya saying I Love You and you must watch the video replay of BCWMH 05142013.

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