Be Careful With My Heart | I will be by your side on May 3 2013

A big family episode for this be careful with my heart dated May 3 2013. This episode gave entrance to Nanay Teresita, Mamang, Cho and Simon to the city from their province. They are leaving Kute behind when she could not run to the airport!

They meet sir Chief who always stay besides together with Maya. The video replay and highlights for this episode will made available in the next update for you to watch on. Nanay Teresita has an idea on which Sir Chief volunteers to accompany Maya to Simon's place. She believe that there's something to Maya's love-life and relationship with sir Chief that is more than friendship. Nanay should be vigilant about why sir Chief is here evev the first and foremost. There's really something special and this not just an ordinary day to witness her for Maya and sir Chief...

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