American Idol 2012 latest updates of winner results, champion, who wins the American Idol 2012? video replay, awards, (nanalo ng American Idol 2012), final results, etc.. - Watch the live stream, video replay, and final results of the American Idol Season 11 Finale: Phillip Phillips vs Jessica Sanchez here for free. As the final results is about start. This page includes American Idol 2012 final results, live streaming of American Idol 2012, full video Replay of Phillip Phillips versus Jessica Sanchez video recap but the video can't be downloaded yet for free via torrent not. This page is intended for the latest updates of American Idol 2012 finale between Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips for who will win the American Idol 2012 season 11? For who will be crowned as the American Idol for 2012? Who will be the winner? Is it Phillip Phillips or Jessica Sanchez?
UPDATE:Phillip Phillips Wins American Idol 2012 and beats Jessica Sanchez. Twenty-one year old American singer Phillip Phillips was proclaimed as the winner of American Idol Season 11 during the singing competition’s results night at the Nokia Theater on Wednesday, May 23, 2012. Jessica Sanchez lost. But it's okay, she's a winner already!American Idol 2012 Winner who is Phillip Phillips Gather After Record of 132M Votes. The winner of American Idol Season 11 is Phillip Phillips after an amazing night of performances on Idol and a record breaking 132 million votes cast.
Watch the announcement of Phillip Phillips as American Idol 2012 winner!
Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez of American Idol 2012
American Idol is a search for musical talent reality television has three judges - Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson II - with host Ryan Seacrest that in the United States bringing to the final 2 between Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez.
As the live streaming is already done, you can watch the replay of Jessica Sanchez vs Phillip Phillips - American Idol Top 2 Finale (Full Episode) in below of this text.
Watch the full video replay of American Idol finale: (Instruction: Just close the ads or find the button to closed those mess ads on the video below inorder to watch the video properly.)
There's also the live stream schedule here in our Philippines and according to Philippines' Local Time:
May 23, 2012 Wed 8 AM – Performance Night. (Watch the replay.)
May 24, 2012 Thurs 8 AM – Results Night
American Idol Season 11 Grand Finale performance night is now on May 22 (morning of May 23 in Manila, Philippines local time). The Top 2 finalists - Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips will be singing 3 songs each for the finale.
American Idol 2012 Finale performance night will be aired in a delayed telecast in the Philippines and the results night on May 23rd (May 24 in Manila) which will be aired on ETC and Star World live via satellite television.
You can watch it via the live stream embedded from Ustream (a video sharing site) below (best viewed on Mozilla Firefox):
The Video.
Update: "American Idol" finalists Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips each won a round on the hit American talent show on Tuesday (Wednesday morning in Manila), while the judges pronounced one round a draw. Here's the video replay performance by Jessica Sanchez in the American Idol 2012 Finals below via youtube video courtesy.
Round 1 and 2:
Round 3:
To all the fans of American Idol Finale, including fans with Phillip Phillips and to Filipino fans out there, you can still have time to vote with Jessica Sanchez through these links and instructions below:
I think Jessica Sanchez will deserves the title and with the help of your votes, maybe Jessica Sanchez will win against Phillip Phillips. You are the only hopes for Jessica Sanchez, we will support her, if not maybe Phillip Phillips will win the American Idol 2012. But who will win the American 2012 Idol Finals is in the hands of majority voters. So vote now with Phillip Phillips of Jessica Sanchez.
American Idol 2012: How to Vote for Jessica Sanchez from the Philippines or any Non-US countries.
Your full support is needed now. We are encouraging all Filipinos and Jessica Supporters in the USA to vote for her on performance night. Let’s not get overly complacent. We can all vote for her for free and let us get her to the Finals!
American Idol 2012 voting will be on Wednesday here in the Philippines and the final results show will be on Thursday, May 24 in the Philippines.
How to vote:
VOTING TIME: Thursday May 23, 2012 WEDNESDAY (Philippines) 9 AM – 4 PM
JESSICA SANCHEZ NUMBERS: 18664365701, 18664365703, 18664365705 or 18664365707
1. Magic Jack, Vonage or NetTalk. If you have Magic Jack, Vonage or NetTalk phones in Pinas, you can vote for Jessica by dialing the toll free number that will be assigned to her after the American Idol show. Check the American Idol website or Jessica Sanchez facebook fan page to find out the toll free number she got for that episode. You have 2 chances to vote: 9am-12noon and 1pm-4pm on Thursday Manila time. If you get busy tone (try at least twice to be sure) on the first time slot, that means your Magic Jack or NetTalk phone has a West Coast number, so trying dialing on the second time slot (1-3pm). You can vote as many times as you want via dial method. If you get a busy tone, it means the voting is closed.
2. Skype. If you don't have Magic Jack or Nettalk phone, you can also try dialing from your computer using Skype for free. If you got busy tone on the first time slot, try the second time slot. If you have Skype app on your smartphones, that should work too. Make sure to change the location to US in the dial pad.
3. Facebook. Vote online via the American Idol Facebook voting app. You may vote up to 50x per account.
4. Globe / TM. Toll-free numbers: DIAL 1280018664365701 OR 1280018664365703 1280018664365705 OR 1280018664365707
Here some more information on how to vote our very own Jessica Sanchez in order for her to win the American Idol 2012:
Numbers to dial are:
1-866-436-57-01 or
1-866-436-57-03 or
1-866-436-57-05 or
Text VOTE and send it to 5701
Log on to
Voting can be done thru Skype by calling the numbers above.
You can vote for Jessica Sanchez thru Skype and also via Yahoo Messenger (YM).
If thru YM, just click ACTIONS on the menu and choose "Call a Phone Number".
IF PHILIPPINES is the location:
Globe subscribers can also vote for free by calling these numbers:
1280018664365701 or
1280018664365703 or
1280018664365705 or
Please vote now with Jessica Sanchez as it was not over yet!
You can bookmark this page or add to favorites on your web browser and share this to your friends may in facebook, twitter, email, or any other form of social networking sites, or you can reblog this too. And let’s support her on performance night. Please vote wisely, vote for Jessica or for Phillips, it's all up to you! American Idol 2012 Season 11 Rocks!
American Idol 2012 has already a champion, and it's Phillip Phillips. Congratulations! And also congratulations to Jessica Sanchez for making it to the top and became a second placer of American Idol 2012 Season 11! Congratulations once again to both of you Phillips and Jessica! Jessica, you made us proud as Filipinos and to the Mexicans!
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