Noynoying (Meaning, Definition, Description)

Notice that the Noynoying is now being use if not worldwide but nationwide here in Philippines, hence using the word noynoying in news, medias, and now is trending across on twitter, facebook, and in the world of internet.

What is the meaning of NOYNOYING? Or in tagalog, anong ibig sabihin ng "Noynoying"? What noynoying is all about? Why noynoying to noyngaling? How the word noynoying being used? What's the use noynoying in the Philippines democratic language? Is noynoying is word from protest?

These were the questions came up to minds, as we're going to research, and according to wikipedia, noynoying means;

Noynoying (pronounced noy-noy-YING ) is a protest gimmick in the form of neologism which critics of Philippine President Benigno Aquino III have used to question his work ethic, alleging inaction on Aquino's part on the issues of disaster response and of rising oil prices. A play on the term planking and Aquino's nickname, "Noynoy", Noynoying involves posing in a lazy manner, such as sitting idly while resting their heads on one hand and doing nothing.

So to speak, we probably know now what NOYNOYING is all about, when it comes to politics, this refer to our most beloved and one of the most brilliant President of the Philippines, the son of former President Corazon "Cory" Aquino and our beloved hero Benigno "Ninoy" Aquiano, and is now the President of the Philippines, no other than President Noynoy Aquino. This is a form of critics to his status as a president as a role model to the Filipinos in the Philippines, his lifestyle, his deeds, his cultures, and to himself as a reflection of what he does, what he believes, and what his actions, are all part of this criteria to be called as noynoyings in fairness way.

Furthermore, President Noynoy Aquino must possess of being a role model, a good politician, a good person, and every values that will bring him to be goog in general, so that, in nature, he will not be called as "Noynoying" which eventually evolve as "Noyngaling".

If the that good characters he should impart, where nothing be found, but the failures, madness, or even small issue he has, everything that is not according to as a president, and anything that depicts a not good looking or not having suitable characteristics as president, then people of the masses will credit Him as "Noynoying" in politics.

That's noynoying is all about. For your own sake, you can read on newspaper, articles in the internet, and even sources that has a word "Noynoying", okay? You can spread the word "Noynoying" as you can, may in facebook, myspace, twitter, forums, and anything, it's totally free!

PS: This article accepts critics, comments, compliments, and any others in the form of self expression. Let us open our minds and our hearts in what is noynoying right now. Let peace be with you and not noynoying be with you.

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