Why December 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013 not declared as holiday?

Why President Noynoy did not implement the holiday economics including December 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013?

These two dates both fall on a Monday, and were not included in the list of official holidays for 2012 as contained in Proclamation 85 by President Aquino.

While many of us expecting and others were asking if December 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013 declared holidays in the Philippines. But there are four remaining holidays for the year which are Christmas Day (Dec 25), Rizal Day (Dec 30) and the last day of the year (Dec 31) was declared as special holiday.

The final implementation for this 2011 Christmas season is that December 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013 is not declared as Holiday by Malacanang. Since the said two days comes after the busiest and the most awaited holidays in the Philippine calendar. After all we have to follow their implementation wheter we like it or not.

This is sad news because we only spending having not enough days and vacations with our families and must to go back to work the day after. We are hoping that the Presidaent Aquino administration also implemented the so called “holiday economics” where holidays are moved on the nearest Mondays or Fridays just like former-president arroyo did but i think this is far to be truth since President Noynoy is following the straight path even during his campaign. For you, what do you think about this implementation of holidays and non-holidays this Christmas season?

Related Searches Links:

related/recent topics Philippine Holidays 2012
december 26 2011 holiday, december 2011 holidays lists, proclamation 85 by pnoy, december 2012 holiday philippines, january 2,2013 holiday in the philippines, noynoy aquino dec 26 holiday.

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